Guillem Soler

Guillem Soler

Business Intelligence Consultant | Data Specialist

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MicroStrategy Web customization

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In today’s article, we will give a brief introduction to MicroStrategy Web Customization. But first, we should clarify that the Java Web SDK library allows us to customize the base MicroStrategy Web product to enrich the user experience. These customizations are based on plugins that work on top of the base product, so the original structure remains unchanged. This also makes it easier to keep track of which customizations are being used and makes it easier to implement new ones or modify old ones.

To start with the customizations, we will need:

Once Eclipse is downloaded, we create a folder for Eclipse and inside a folder called Workspaces. Install Eclipse JDE for Java Developers. Before starting the program, go to the MSDL folder and copy the unzipped jar file to ./Eclipse/eclipse/eclipse/dropins.

When Eclipse starts, select the Workspaces file created earlier. In Window > Preferences, we can see that the MicroStrategy option appears, where we have to indicate the installation folder of our MicroStrategy Web and its URL.

Once this is done, we can select the MicroStrategy Perspective , in Window> Perspective> Others> MicroStrategy Web Customization Editor.

Now we can start creating our Plugins:

Once the plugin is created, in the Application Settings section, we can select which elements we are going to customize. For example, we are going to change the font color of the main page of our web MSTR.

By adding a ‘new property’ to the elements inside the pageDesktop.css file, we get the desired customization. In this case, we want to affect .mstr-dskt-lnk, mstr-dskt-dsc and .mstr-dskt-lnk, mstr-dskt-nm by adding a new property with a different value.

In the Customizations file we will see two new entries, with the information we just provided. In the Package Explorer tab, we can see how the new change is also reflected in the plugins tab. The same happens in CSS> Customized Web Styles in the CSS Settings tab.

To be able to see the changes made, it is important to restart the MSTR Web Service. Once this has been done, we will be able to see the changes on the web, with the font color adapted in this case to the corporate color of BestInBI:


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