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Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)

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Oracle Data Integator (ODI) is an integration platform, it goes beyond a traditional ETL tool, in which we extract data from different sources, transform it in the process and then load it to the target. Oracle Data Integrator has an ELT functionality, as we extract data from different databases, load them into ODI, and then perform all the transformations.

In this article, we are going to perform an ODI binding with Oracle developer (localhost).

First, we will need a session in Oracle developer with some information we will import.

The most important thing is to install ODI, I attach an explanatory video:

Once installed, we would have the following, we must click on the indicated part


The following window opens, and we should choose to create a new Master repository for the database, keep in mind that Oracle Data Integrator will generate numerous empty tables in that user, so we will use a different account to the DB, in our example we will use our user “TEMP”.


The user is the one that we have created in the Oracle database, we test the connection and it should be correct.


Once tested we move on and have to create a password for the default “SUPERVISOR” user.


Once we have it, we finish (it takes a while to load).


Here is an example of some of the automatically created tables.


Once created we would have to enter the same window, but this time we would create a new connection to the ODI Repository.


We fill it in as follows, taking into account that the first User corresponds to “Supervisor” and the next one is the one created by us in Oracle.


We test the connection and if it is correct we continue and connect to the currently created Master Repository.


Choose the connection in the drop-down menu:


We have 4 tabs, in this user the designer and the Operator tabs will be disabled:


Investigating these tabs a little further:

Topology: this tab will be used to describe the physical and logical connections of the information system, the different data servers linked to these technologies, and the schemas, contexts, language, agents, and repositories.

2. Operator: this section is a management and monitoring tool, it can manage the interface executions in sessions as well as in production scenarios.

Security: It is the tool to manage security information in ODI, you can create users, and profiles, to provide certain rights to different users or orchestrators.

4. Designer: here we will verify the integrity of the data, as well as reverse engineering (imports) and transformations.

We will go into some of them later.

Let’s get started:

1. In the topology tab, let’s connect the different sources (in this case Oracle)


We would have to create a new working repository by right-clicking on the working repositories.

2. Fill in the following steps:


3. Once it is created, we must disconnect and reconnect with the new connection.


4. Once we are inside, we see that we already have the tabs that previously were disabled as enabled. The fastest way to create the environments would be the following, the first thing to do is to go to the “Designer” tab and go to the models section and create a new one with topology objects


5. Once inside, we will have to fill in 3 fairly simple tabs (this is where we will connect it to our real database, called tutorial, where we have our working tables:


This step has generated the physical and logical schematics in a single step, without having to create them individually in numerous steps, we can see what has been created in the topology tab, both in the physical and logical architecture sections.


Once we have it we should save and select selective reverse engineering:


Now we will select those tables that we want to import to Oracle Data Integrator, in our case all of them, once we have selected them we would proceed to click on reverse engineering.


We would already have it ready to generate a project and be able to start working with the model:


Nowadays it is very important not only to have data but also to have integrated and congruent data from different sources. Oracle Data Integrator is a powerful tool that enables integration for operational and analytical environments, providing real-time integration, transformation, synchronization, quality, and management of data, to ensure that information is timely, accurate, and consistent across the heterogeneous systems from which it is fed.

In this article, we have only seen how to raise connections to an Oracle database, but there is a multitude of sources that can feed ODI correctly.

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